Title: Finally At Peace Fandom: Star Trek: XI Pairing: Christopher Pike & Jim Kirk Rating: T for language Summary: Pike comes to on the Enterprise, where he is visited by a memory of George Kirk. And he finally makes peace with his actions on the Narada.
Title: Their Break-Up (2/2) Fandom: Scrubs Pairing: JD/Cox Rating: T for angst Summary: Songfic set to Kelly Clarkson's "I Hate Myself For Losing You."
Title: My No Reason Fandom: Scrubs Pairing: Elliot, Turk, Cox, and JD Rating: T for gun violence Summary: Based on the season 2 finale of House MD. ( Shocking, isn't it? Who would want to hurt you? )
Title: His Puzzle Fandom: Scrubs Pairing: Elliot & Cox Rating: T for mentions of self-harm Summary: Elliot prayed that it was just an embarrassed intern who had found her. But no, it was Dr. Cox. ( He knew exactly what she had been contemplating that day... )
Title: My Long Sleeves, part two Fandom: Scrubs Pairing: JD/Cox Rating: T for mentions of self-injury Summary: He wasn't suicidal. He just needed a release.
Title: My Long Sleeves Fandom: Scrubs Pairing: JD/Cox Rating: T for somewhat graphic mentions of self-injury Summary: He wasn't suicidal, he just needed a release.
Title: Just Like Virginia Woolf Fandom: Scrubs Pairing: Elliot/Cox Rating: T for mentions of suicide Summary: She'd dropped hints. Too bad he hadn't picked up on them until it was too late.